There are many methods you can use, we are just sharing what we practice and prefer. The most important aspect to cleansing and charging your crystals is intention. Take a moment to be present with the spirit of the crystal and set the intention to cleanse or charge.

We invite you to further research each crystal, because certain crystals do not react well with certain elements.  

Cleansing clears the crystal of any energetic stagnation. It removes any energy that it has absorbed in working with your energy. Cleansing the crystal will allow you to work with it from a neutral space and allow you to set intentions. 

Charging allows you to amplify your intentions and work with the stone for a longer amount of time before having to cleanse it. 


Smoke Cleansing

A great way to cleanse all of the crevices. Fully envelope the crystal in the smoke. 

Use any bundled herbs that are available and environmentally friendly. We love our local Sage and/or Cedar! Grab one HERE.



Place your crystals in the sunlight to Cleanse & charge. We don’t leave them for over 24 hours. Some crystals can be damaged or lose color from being in the sunlight for too long, like amethyst for example.



Place your crystals in the moonlight to Cleanse & charge. Consider the lunar cycle and the energies associated with the phases. This will help you determine your intention for either Cleansing or charging them. For example, the new moon and throughout the waxing phase is a great time to cleanse and charge. The full moon throughout the waning phase is a great time to cleanse.



A stone to cleanse your other stones. Place crystals on selenite or next to it for cleansing.

Visit our SHOP to purchase Selenite Bowls.



We love using breath to alchemize our crystals. This is all about intention, simply blow on your crystal with a clear mind and remove the stagnant energy.


Spoken Word

It’s simple. Just say, “I alchemize you”. Believe it, mean it, intend for it to be cleansed and it will be.  Speaking to your crystals is another way to communicate your intention. If you need help sleeping at night, finding peace at work or speaking in front of an audience, simply program your crystal by asking it to allow you to sleep the whole night in peace and to ward off any energies that may be disturbing you.